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QT500球墨铸铁的特点是很多人都了解的,但是又不能具体的解说,导致了很多人初学者都不是很清楚。而对于QT500球墨铸铁的价格也是很多创业者或者采购经理想查询到的,对于的百度而言总能在上面查到上述的两条信息,但是,由于了解的人不多,所以关于这类信息很少。 因此今天借助列表网这个平台为大家介绍一下QT500球墨铸铁的特点和QT500球墨铸铁的价格。 QT500球墨铸铁的特点:含碳量大于 2% 的铁碳合金,工业生铁含碳量一般在 2.5% ~ 4% ,并含 C 、 SI 、 Mn 、 S 、 P 等元素,对金属基体的割裂作用比片状石墨小,使铸铁的强度达到基体组织强度的 70 ~ 90% ,抗拉强度可达 120kgf/mm2 ,并且具有良好的韧性。球墨铸铁除铁外的化学成分通常为:含碳量 3.6 ~ 3.8% ,含硅量 2.0 ~ 3.0% ,含锰、磷、硫总量不超过 1.5% 和适量的稀土、镁等球化剂。 Characteristics of QT500 ductile cast iron is a lot of people know, but not detailed explanation, leading to a lot of people are not very clear for beginners. But for QT500 nodular cast iron is the price of many entrepreneurs or purchase the ideal query, for everything Baidu always to check two pieces of information, the above but, because not a lot of people know about these little information, so. So today use this platform to list to introduce the characteristics of QT500 and QT500 ductile cast iron ductile iron price. Characteristics of QT500 nodular cast iron: iron carbon alloys containing carbon content of more than 2%, pig iron carbon content in general 2.5% ~ 4%, and with C, SI, Mn, S, P and other elements, separate effect on metal matrix graphite cast iron is small, the strength of matrix strength reached 70 ~ 90%, the tensile strength can reach 120kgf/mm2, and has good toughness. Ductile iron chemical composition in addition to iron usually: carbon content of 3.6 ~ 3.8%, 2 ~ 3% of silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur amount does not exceed 1.5% and the amount of rare earth, magnesium nodulizing agent.
“QT500 QT500球墨铸铁”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。